Circular business plan
Reconceive how you operate and make up a circular business plan according to it. Shift your thinking from products to services and create value from prolonged product lifetime and closed material loops. Include financial, social, and environmental consideration.
When to take action?

Who can take action?

Client, contractor, manufacturer
Intermediate expertise needed
Take action
Understand the ‘as-is’ business model: key stakeholders, material and value flow mapping
Map out key trends in the business environment. Which ones are relevant to circular economy? (e.g. fiscal measures, waste and recycling regulations, public procurements, ...)
Take your vision and ambition and develop a value proposition: What is the value delivered to the client, How does it incorporate elements of CE? What are the end-of-life channels? Who will be a key partner? How do circular economy elements have an impact on costs?
Overview of participating stakeholders (Action Multidisciplinary team), current material and value flows, the vision and ambition (Action Circular vision).
Circular business model(s) and value model applied to your building project or organisation.
Exemplary business model
Niaga Carpet
The tag enables producers to get their materials back at the end of each product’s use cycle. It creates awareness with the end user and gives them clear and easy instructions on how to return their carpet when they’re done with it.
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To prevent their modules from ending up in landfills, Juunoo offers a buy-back guarantee. They pay for the wall modules if the user sells them back to them.
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More information and sources
Business model innovation grid by Circular Flanders
CEvaluator by OVAM and VITO
Circular Business Model by The Ellen McArthur Foundation
Circular Business Models for the Built Environment by Arup
Circular Business Models - The Sustainability Guide
Smith-Gillespie, A. 2017. Circular Economy Business Model Case Studies: Introduction and Methodology
Nußholz, J. 2020. Circular Business Model Design