Describe in the specifications how the execution works should or can be done to become a building with increased circular potential. This can help to motivate and guide the contractors to carry out the construction works in a circular way.
When to take action?

Who can take action?

Design team
Intermediate expertise needed
Take action
Include a page in the execution file on the motivation of the client and the design team on why to build circular and what their view is.
Describe precisely which actions the contractors can take to make the construction process more circular.
Add examples of construction works of circular building projects
Motivation, knowledge, and insights from the construction team. Exemplary case studies.
A low-impact construction site, exemplary specification documents.
More information and sources
Circubestek by Redactiebureau Palindroom, VIBE, and Blieberg A. C. E.
Vademecum Circulair Bouwen - Leefmilieu Brussel